Connection Between EMF Radiation & Autism

Connection Between EMF Radiation & Autism

The mobile electronic devices we use daily, such as cell phones, tablets, and laptops emit a form of energy called Electromagnetic Fields, or EMF radiation.

Current research shows EMF radiation can cause a wide range of health issues. These include minimal concerns like headaches and skin rashes to bigger health concerns like DNA fragmentation, cell damage, and fertility problems.

EMF radiation can actually change and damage cells biologically, as well as affect DNA synthesis and replication.

Now, emerging research is beginning to establish a more concrete link between EMF radiation exposure and Autism.

Can we protect our kids from electromagnetic fields effect? 

Can we cure from autism? Click here

In 2011, a study was conducted by Stanford University on identical twins. It was previously thought that genetics accounted for 90% of Autism risk, but from this study, researchers concluded that genetics account for less than half of the risk with environmental factors accounting for the remaining portion. In an effort to pinpoint which environmental triggers might be causing the disorder, researchers have focused on EMF radiation emissions.

study conducted by Richard Lathe at the University of Edinburgh hypothesized that neonatal exposure to microwaves and EMF radiation may cause a child to be predisposed to Autism. Lathe studied the timing of the first rise in Autism compared to the spread of domestic microwave devices. Autism diagnoses began to noticeably rise in the early 1980s, around the same time that microwaves were first introduced into households. By the mid-1980s it was common for most households to have a microwave. While correlation does not equate to causation, Lathe initiated a theory that has opened the door to more research.

In 2013, Dr. Marth Herbert and EMF expert Cindy Sage released a paper that showed symptoms of Autism matched symptoms of overexposure to EMFs. These symptoms include immune aberrations, low total and reduced glutathione levels, lower activity of the anti-oxidative stress system, and mitochondrial dysfunction. A common attribute among individuals with Autism is oxidative stress, which aligns with well-established research showing low-intensity EMF radiation exposure is associated with oxidative damage.

Previously, it was believed that extremely low levels of microwave frequency only caused thermal effects, meaning EMF radiation would damage cells through heating them up. Because these levels of frequency were so low, it wasn’t thought to be strong enough to have biological effects. However, more and more research has proven this is not the case. EMFs can cause a range of non-thermal effects.

Dr. Martin L. Pall, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences at Washington St. University, has extensively studied the non-thermal effects of EMFs. He has found that voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) are impacted by EMF radiation.

One of his articles discusses the downstream effects of the VGCC activation. In a presentation given at the AutismOne conference, he focused on the connection between VGCCs and Autism. EMFs activate VGCCs, increasing the amount of intercellular calcium. Excess intercellular calcium is connected to Autism.

When there is too much calcium within a cell, it disrupts the formation of synapses. Synapses connect neurons in the brain, which allow the brain to perform all of its functions. With too much intercellular calcium, the development of brain functioning is impaired due to the lack of proper synaptic connections. VGCCs can be activated even by very low levels of EMF radiation.

These levels of EMF radiation are common (and legal!) environment levels that everyone—including the most vulnerable members of the population such as pregnant women, babies and growing children—are exposed to on a daily basis.

Following a study from Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School conducted by Dr Herbert MR and Dr Sage on links between Autism and EMF: “” The evidence is sufficient to warrant new public exposure standards benchmarked to low-intensity (non-thermal) exposure levels now known to be biologically disruptive” ( )


Current Autism Statistics

Every two years, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention updates its statistics on the prevalence of Autism among the nation’s children.

According to the most recent report, which was released in April 2018 based on data from 2014, here are the new key findings:

  • Estimates show a 15% increase of Autism in children. Now, 1 in 59 children are diagnosed with this disorder; two years prior, 1 in 68 children were diagnosed.

  • Boys are 4 times more likely to be diagnosed with Autism than girls.

  • White children are more likely to be diagnosed with Autism than minority children.

  • The average age for diagnosis is after the age of 4, which is a disappointing statistic because Autism can reliably be diagnosed as early as 2 years old.



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